Philip Moulthrop is the son of woodturner Edward Moulthrop. Philip lives in Marietta, Georgia. His work is represented in the collection of The High Museum of Art, Atlanta; the Kresge Art Museum, East Lansing, Michigan; and the Fine Arts Museum of the South, Mobile, Alabama. The American Craft Council has featured his work in exhibitions since 1982. And he has taken part in the International Turned Object Show three times — most recently in 1994. Philip Moulthrop is also trained as a lawyer.
Philip began turning wood in 1979 after learning the technique from his father, Ed Moulthrop. He Begins with green sections of native southeastern trees and a chain saw. The green log is first roughed into the initial shape, using a hand-made lathe and hand-forged tools. The piece is then treated for several months to prevent cracking, next, the wood must dry for more than a month. It is then re-turned on the lathe where it is refined to its final form. The bowl under goes numerous sandings and is coated with several coats of finish. The entire process may take from four months to more than a year.