Ryan Jones is a contemporary American artist known for bold large scale paintings. Born in California in 1981, Ryan lives and works in the San Francisco Bay Area. His artistic journey began at a young age and was influenced by his study of art at Stanford University where renowned artist Enrique Chagoya provided mentorship. Primarily self taught as an oil painter, after college Jones worked as a matte painter for George Lucas on scores of Hollywood films where his eye for cinematic intrigue helped mold a distinct lens through which he viewed the world. Jones’ work now embraces and challenges the traditions of realist painting with an exploration of contemporary practices and observations. His artwork is included in a number of prestigious private collections and has been showcased in galleries, museums and art fairs around the world.
Ryan Jones’ paintings are a visual commentary on contemporary life that presents our modernity refracted through lenses of the past. Fragmented imagery is reimagined within a present context and the subject matter speaks to history by embracing definitive spectrums of time. The work is cinematic, mysterious, and stylistically provocative with its use of composition and the embellishment of visuals from the worlds of film and advertising. Out of the art emerge new critiques of cultural themes that span across a range of human emotions, inviting a variety of compelling story angles that speak to today’s visual culture. How imagery and the figure can evoke certain responses within this context lie at the essence of Jones’ work.