I’ve been an artist for most of my life. I received a BFA and an MFA in painting from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, and after that, I worked as a painter for many years. My paintings, under my maiden name of Sheri Warshauer, primarily focused on the interiors and exterior spaces of modern homes. I lived and worked as an artist in Manhattan, where I had a studio in Soho and exhibited my work in galleries in Brooklyn, Boston, New York, San Francisco, Frankfurt, Palm Desert and in many art fairs all over the world. In 2014 my studio building was turned into an office building, and all of the artists got displaced. I tried to find a new workspace, but it was very difficult and extremely expensive. I started working on small pieces in my home, but it was hard for me to work this way. Soon after losing my studio, I got pregnant with my third child and focused most of my time and effort on raising my children. I still painted and made three dimensional/collage art, but wasn’t able to spend much time on my art career.
I decided to go back to school and get a degree in interior design. I had always had a passion for design. I have gutted and renovated three apartments in Chicago and New York, a house in the Hudson Valley and recently built and designed our home in Delray Beach, Florida. Therefore, I knew design was something I loved and had a talent for. After receiving my design degree, I decided to start my own company, Sheri Rose Design, and I’m loving it! There are so many similarities between painting, collage and design! In order to create a cohesive, layered and beautiful space, I use many elements from my fine art background. I am always excited by the new patterns, colors and textures that I can put together to create spaces with personality and distinction.
Being an artist has been difficult over the years. During the Great Recession that followed the housing bubble, several of the galleries that I was working with, and that had represented me, went out of business. I also lost my studio in Soho, NY in 2014 when the building was converted from artist studios to an office building. In addition, I had the challenge of raising three children while trying to make and sell art. Since starting my interior design business, I have moved from NY to Delray Beach, Florida where I have far fewer connections. That being said, while it has often been a struggle, it has made my successes that much more fulfilling.